How to deal with post-pregnancy depression?


Postpartum depression is a kind of depression that occurs after a mother has had a baby. Women who suffer from postpartum depression undergo sensitive crests and troughs, constant crying, tiredness, remorse, apprehension and are likely to have issues looking after their baby. The good news is that postpartum or post – pregnancy depression is treatable with medicines and counselling.

What, exactly, is postpartum or post-pregnancy depression?

There is no doubt that having a baby is a life-altering experience for all those involved but it is most overwhelming and exhausting for the mother. It's absolutely normal, in the case of the mother, to have apprehensions or have reservations of how you’ll fare as a parent, especially if you are a first-time parent. Yet, if your emotional state comprises frequent bouts of immense despondency or lonesomeness, extreme mood swings and recurrent crying attacks, you may be suffering from postpartum or post – pregnancy depression.

Postpartum depression is the kind of depression that occurs subsequent to someone giving birth. Postpartum depression doesn't only affect the birthing person. It can affect surrogate mothers as well as parents who have adopted too. People undergo hormonal, physical, financial, emotional and social changes after delivering a baby. These changes can lead to indications of postpartum depression.

If you are suffering from postpartum depression, you should know that you are not alone, it is most definitely not your fault and there are treatment protocols and help for post pregnancy depression. At Darekar Hospital, the Best Gynaecology Hospital in Pune, professionals can assist you in managing our symptoms post-delivery and help you feel better.

What are the forms of postpartum depression?

There are three different sorts of postpartum mood disorders:

Post pregnancy blues or baby blues

The baby blues affect between half and 75% of women after they deliver. If you're facing the baby blues, you will have recurrent, extended bouts of crying for no ostensible reason, dejection and nervousness. This state typically starts in the first week that is between one to four days after delivery. Though the feeling is unpleasant and the circumstance normally decreases within two weeks without treatment. The best thing that can be done at such a time is seek support and request for help from friends, family or your partner or your health care providers. At Darekar Hospital , the best doctors in Pune can help you and guide you towards a quick recovery from post pregnancy depression.

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is a graver situation as compared to baby blues, affecting close to 1 in 7 new parents. If you've suffered from postpartum depression before, your danger of going through it again increases by 30 percent with each pregnancy. You may feel sporadic highs and lows, crying, irritability and fatigue frequently as well as pangs of guilt, uneasiness and strong feeling that you’re incapable of looking after your offspring and yourself. Symptoms vary from mild to severe and may show up within a week of delivery or slowly, even up to a year later. Although indicators can last many months, treatment offered at Darekar Hospital, the best gynaecology hospital in Pune are very effective.

How to treat postpartum depression?

Post- pregnancy depression is treated in different ways reliant on on the kind and harshness of your symptoms. Treatment possibilities comprise anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications, psychotherapy (talk therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy) and support group involvement.

Treatment for postpartum psychosis may also include medicines to treat hopelessness, apprehension and phobia. You may also have to get admitted to a treatment centre for several days until you're stable. If you don't respond to this treatment, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can also help.

If you are breastfeeding, it’s not that you can't take medications for unhappiness, nervousness or even psychosis. Talk to the medical professionals at Darekar Hospital, the best gynaecology hospital in Pune about your treatment options.

What are ways to manage post- pregnancy depression?

First of all, it is absolutely okay to feel overcome by it all. Parenting is filled with ups and downs and having a baby is not easy, by any long shot. If you are suffering from depression, you don't have to hurt alone. Your medical doctors can help in finding the right treatment that will work for you.

Here are a list things you can attempt to help you deal with postpartum depression:

  • Find someone to speak with — a therapist, friend, family member or someone who will listen and help you.
  • Join a focus and support group for new parents.
  • Eat healthy and make the time to exercise.
  • Ensure you get enough rest for yourself.
  • Get out with your friends or talk to them on the telephone.
  • Make the time and space for self-care and to do things you enjoy, like reading or other hobbies.
  • Get assistance with household chores and errands.