Understanding the Differences Between Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery


If you have a medical problem that demands attention, it is vital to understand where to go to seek proper care and treatment. In regards to aesthetic apprehensions that you would like to take care of, it is very important to garner the right knowledge on treatments, and corrective procedures available that will address your issue in the best possible manner. At Darekar Hospital, the best hospital in Pune, we provide both reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery services. A common confusion that arises usually is that what is the difference between reconstructive and plastic surgery?

Plastic Surgery: Reconstructive versus Cosmetic

The muddle between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery is comprehensible. The two are subspecialties that come under the umbrella of plastic surgery and both are often executed under the same practice. That is to say that oftentimes. one expert can provide services that fall under both subspecialties. To paraphrase, the prime difference between the two types of surgeries is that, for one, cosmetic surgery is performed for visual improvements, whereas reconstructive surgery is performed as a measure to correct a medical concern.

Plastic surgery can have momentous mental and health benefits. In the case of trauma, illness or infection, it can help minimize a patient’s loss. Aesthetic deliberations demand serious thought because of the mental consequences they have on the patient. Refining a patient’s appearance or restoring it to what it was before a traumatic event can positively affect self-esteem.

What Is Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is a specialty intrusion that encompasses the restructuring, rebuilding or repair of the human body. It can be performed either to boost functionality or aesthetic appearance on the exterior. Often, it is attained through tissue transfers. Plastic surgery typically has two sub-specialties: reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries. Popularly, most people consider plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery as interchangeable but cosmetic surgery is actually a subcategory of plastic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is yet another subcategory, and the differences between reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery are noteworthy. To put it simply, reconstructive surgery is done to restore a body part after an accident or a disease, whereas cosmetic surgery is done to enhance physical appearance.

Reconstructive plastic surgery

Reconstructive surgery is carried out to reinstate function and standard appearance and also to correct abnormalities created by birth defects, trauma and diseases such as cancer. For example, cleft lip, palate repair, breast reconstruction following a lumpectomy or mastectomy for breast cancer, and reconstructive surgery after burn wounds. Classically, reconstructive surgery is thought of as medically obligatory.

Cosmetic surgery is done to enhance one’s overall cosmetic look by restructuring and altering normal anatomy to make it visibly more attractive. Unlike reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery is not measured as medically required. Breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and facelifts are popular examples of cosmetic surgery procedures.

There is frequently a substantial connection between reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery as they intersect at several of the same primary surgical principles. Despite what kind of plastic surgery is being performed, the end result is that it should include capitalising on the cosmetic result as much as possible. Irrespective of the plastic surgery procedure being planned, it is very crucial for patients to have complete knowledge of the expected cosmetic result with their plastic surgeon ahead of time to ensure the suitable expectations are met.

You can contact Darekar Hospital , the best hospital for cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in Pune for more information on the treatments and procedures we provide. We will be more than happy to give you more information on how we can help you look and feel your best.