Causes of Kidney Transplant and Treatment


A kidney transplant is a surgery by which a healthy kidney from a donor is placed into a person whose kidneys are damaged. The kidneys’ primary function is to keep the blood pure by filtering waste, fluid, and minerals. Harmful waste and fluid get collected in the body when kidneys do not function properly, leading to end-stage kidney disease or kidney failure. It is necessary to remove the waste material accumulated from the bloodstream to keep alive a person afflicted with end-stage kidney disease. A procedure called dialysis is used to filter the blood and inject the blood back into the body. This process is time-consuming and expensive and also has a high risk of infection and other side effects. Hence, a kidney transplant is preferred over dialysis since it is less troublesome. If you have end-stage kidney disease, visit Darekar Hospital, the Best Urologist Doctor in Pune , where expert kidney specialists will evaluate your condition and suggest the best possible treatment.

Why a kidney transplant is needed

These are the common reasons why end-stage kidney disease is caused, and a kidney transplant is needed:

1.Uncontrolled sugar: If a person has high-sugar levels always, the filters in his kidney get damaged, causing kidney damage and failure. This condition is called diabetic nephropathy

2.Hypertension: When there is high blood pressure in the kidney’s blood vessels, the filtering process gets affected, leading to kidney failure

3.Inherited diseases: Conditions like Polycystic Kidney Disease in which many cysts or hollow spaces are formed inside the kidney affect its normal functioning

4.Artery blockages: Renal stenosis, a condition where there are blockages in the arteries carrying blood to the kidneys, causes kidney failure.

5.Congenital issues:Due to congenital reasons, a baby’s kidney may not develop fully and will be dysfunctional

6.Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: This is an immunity disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its own kidney

The different stages in a Kidney transplant procedure

If you have decided to opt for a kidney transplant, you will need to undergo these steps:

Eligibility:At Darekar Hospital, the best nephrology hospital in Pune will evaluate your condition and assess whether you are eligible for a transplant. You need only one donated kidney to replace your two failed kidneys, and hence, your donor can be a living or a deceased person.

The transplant procedure: The operation is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made on the body near the abdomen to place the new kidney inside. The surgeon attaches your new kidney’s blood vessels to the abdomen’s lower part, and the ureter is connected to your bladder.

After kidney surgery: You will be required to spend several days in the hospital with your condition monitored around the clock for signs of complications. Mostly your new kidney starts making urine like your old one immediately, but in some cases, dialysis may be needed temporarily. You will be prescribed several medications, especially immunosuppressants, that prevent your immune system from rejecting your new kidney.